Creating a new user in linux is sometimes needed, when you want to share the user access with anyone. SSH to the machine over the newly created user is needed to provide the same to others.
As root, perform
# useradd sampleuser
Change the password of the user
# passwd sampleuser
New Unix passwd: welcome1
Once a new user is added, it is automatically added to "/etc/passwd" file, if you want to change the default directory for the user , etc please edit that file as root
# cat /etc/hosts
Optionally, you can create a user with a specific home directory as
# useradd -d /home/sampleuser sampleuser
Add a group,
# groupadd samplegroup
Assign the user to the group
# usermod -g samplegroup sampleuser
To list all groups,
# groups
As root, perform
# useradd sampleuser
Change the password of the user
# passwd sampleuser
New Unix passwd: welcome1
Once a new user is added, it is automatically added to "/etc/passwd" file, if you want to change the default directory for the user , etc please edit that file as root
# cat /etc/hosts
Optionally, you can create a user with a specific home directory as
# useradd -d /home/sampleuser sampleuser
Add a group,
# groupadd samplegroup
Assign the user to the group
# usermod -g samplegroup sampleuser
To list all groups,
# groups